Start preparing today

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Tips to Make the Most of This Course

    • Active Labor Handout

  • 2


    • Informed Consent Agreement and Disclaimer (For Your Reference)

  • 3

    Birth in the US and Birth Basics

    • Part 1: Welcome, Birth in the US, and Birth Basics

  • 4

    Labor and Pushing: Ease Your Birth with Hands-on Movements and Comfort Measures with Your Partner

    • Part 2: Labor and Pushing - Ease Your Birth with Hands-on Movements and Comfort Measures. Practice with Your Partner.

  • 5

    Special Birth Topics and Preparing for Postpartum Recovery

    • Part 3: Special Birth Topics and Preparing for Postpartum

  • 6

    FAQ and Bonuses

    • FAQs

  • 7

    Class Resources

    • After Class Resources


How long can I access the Course?

180 days. So far, this time has always been sufficient for our learners. Most of our learners are over 3 months pregnant and give birth when they have access to the course. You get to keep all of your handouts from the course for future reference! Returning customers can email us at [email protected] to discuss access for future births :) We appreciate you coming back!


Is this right for me?

Based on our past students, this course is helpful if: - You don’t feel fully prepared yet - You want your partner to be able to help you but they don’t know how - You want to feel more in control - You want to know what to do to reduce your risk of tearing or a C-section - You aren’t sure how much say you have in your birth


What should I expect?

A class for you and your birth partner to learn and practice techniques you can use prior to, during and after the birth of your child that have been shown to reduce risks of injury and improve your birth experience, including movement, positioning, and hands-on comfort measures. Gain confidence in your body by learning the various stages of labor and how current evidence supports your preferences. Get your partner involved. Your partner will learn ways to support you during labor and birth for an improved birth experience for everyone. Prepare for an empowered birth experience that aligns with your values no matter the circumstances


What is included?

Birth Cheat Sheet: key positions, movements, and hands-on techniques covered in class for you to use when baby is ready to arrive Access to our facebook groups for expectant and new moms Handout of Resources, including lactation support, maternal mental health support, and physical therapy services and more because a healthy baby starts with a healthy mom


Who is the instructor?

Dr. Alex Courts has her doctorate in physical therapy and is passionate about improving birth and recovery for moms, which is a topic that is often not talked about enough. She uses her advanced training in obstetrics and women’s health to help achieve this goal, starting with education during pregnancy on the things that are within our control. Moms have enough on their plate and Alex wants to help moms thrive through the challenges that come with motherhood.



"Even though we had been through the process before, I had never taken a birth class and I wanted to have a better understanding and control this time around. It was an incredible experience for my partner and I. We left the class feeling so informed and prepared for any situation. This time around, I feel like my partner was way more prepared to help me through the process... I highly recommend the Active Labor Class to all parents."


Expectant First Time Mom

"I highly recommend taking this class with Alex! As first-time expecting parents, my husband and I had no idea there were so many different labor positions and were unfamiliar with the many stages of labor... Her knowledge of physical therapy was very evident, and she explained anatomy concepts in a way that was easy to understand. The pictures and explanations of different labor positions on the "cheat sheet" and practicing during the class were so helpful—we will definitely be bringing it with us to the hospital! My husband and I feel so much more empowered and confident after working with Alex."


First Time Couple

"This Active Labor class was extremely informative and set a great foundation for preparing for child birth. I think both my husband and I assumed we would be walked through the process as I went into labor and didn’t realize just how much say we could have in the process. Understanding how different positions can be used as tools to ease pain/facilitate delivery is something that will be very beneficial. This knowledge led us to begin discussing a birth plan and feeling empowered to open up dialogue with my provider about the individualized birth plan we would like to have. I couldn’t recommend this class enough!"